Monday, March 9, 2009

Risk management – Insurance

For the person who wants to have a saving, but he/her cannot save money autonomy himself/herself. Through the discipline of paying insurance premiums regularly, the wealth of the person can be accumulated by buying traditional insurance.
For the person who wants to guarantee his/her life, he/she can buy medical insurance and accident insurance in order to protect hid/her life. If that person gets a serious illness or get a traffic accident, the cost of living in hospital and doing an operation can be claimed. So that buying insurance can save your money and it will not affect your plan.

Guaranteed Cash Value
A sum of money is guaranteed within your policy and may be available for emergency purpose or business opportunities. Alternatively, if your need for life insurance changes, you may wish to use the cash for retirement or other purposes.

Reduced Paid-Up Insurance
In later years and even before the policy is fully paid up, if your life insurance needs gave diminished, you might decide to stop premiums and take a paid-up policy for a reduced amount. Lower dividends will be credited to reduced paid up policies.

The dividends you receive are your share of the company’s divisible surplus. They are credited to your policy on its anniversary date and may be applied under one of a variety of dividend options provided by the company.
The illustration is based on current dividend scale which is neither a guarantee nor an estimate of future results. Dividends left on deposit will be credited with interest at a rate that will change from time to time.
Dividends paid depend on a number of factors including investment earnings, claims experience, and expenses incurred by the company. The actual dividends paid may change and the actual values may be higher or lower than those illustrated.


  1. I like this topic as most of the people purchased insurance in HK. Same rationale as other writing, could you use a tabular presentation to show HOW to interpret the figures in a life insurance plan (e.g., gura. $$, cash div...) --> how to calculate the annual growth

  2. As there are many insurance companies and banks in Hong Kong, there are many different insurance plans with different calculation of the annual growth. Therefore, we can use 2 to 3 insurance companies to make some examples to interpret the figures of life insurance. ^^

    And then which company insurance scheme have you bought/join? So we can give your more details @_@
